Being the oldest city in the whole of Germany, Worms has played a key role in German history. Worms current incarnation was founded by Charlemagne, and the city's bishopric dates back to the fourth century. The town is famous for the Diet of Worms, to which Martin Luther was summoned in 1521 to Emperor Charles V. He refused to recant his beliefs, saying the famous words "Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen." As a result, he was banned to the outer reaches of the empire. You can still see many vestiges of the old city walls, particularly the Torturmplatz and the Karolingerstrasse. The Dom of St. Peter and St Paul, which was completed in 1325 survived the destruction of World War II.
The city also has a rich Jewish history.
Tourist Information Center, Am Neumarkt 14, +49 6241 2-50-45. Pick up a map of the city's main attractions.